New features✨
Delivery messages are now updated in the email message view
See message status and delivery message from the gateway in the Pendula message detail view. Email messages only.
Blank experiences removed ️
Blank experiences (those without a contact and record id) that are created from an event flow that does not match flow criteria, have now been hidden.
Bugs & improvements 🐛
- The flow builder will now check scheduled flows upon activation if the start date is in the past, and offer the user the option to update the time or activate now
- If there is only a single value for Data source and Related Objects, the field will set those as a default in the flow and template creation screens
- For table views, search has been disabled if there are no items in the list
- Helpful information about keyword usage has been added to the reply node for users
- Fixed a bug where scheduled weekly flows did not trigger as expected in some cases
- Fixed a bug causing scheduled weekly flows to display days of the week in the wrong order
- Fixed a bug where the merge field selector allowed merge fields that would fail a flow
- Fixed a bug where scheduled trigger start date & time validation ignored timezone
- Fixed a bug where SMS preview did not wrap correctly
- Fixed an autocomplete styling bug
- Fixed a bug where the number dropdown was partially hidden beneath the contact filter when no rules were added
- Fixed a bug where the UI showed an error when the tenant had no messages or experiences
- Fixed inconsistent terminology in experience views
- Fixed the horizontal scrollbar in flow builder
- Fixed a bug where a scheduled flow defaults to the system timezone rather than timezone in tenant settings
- Fixed a bug where tenant timezone was allowed to be undefined
- Fixed a bug allowing detached flow paths on flow activation
- Fixed a bug where the create API token did not appear 'cancelled' until the page was refreshed