Workflow nodes determine how quickly a flow progresses from start to finish, and when it should re-check data once the flow has triggered.
Quick links:
How to configure a delay (time period) node
How to configure a delay (exact day & time) node
How to configure a criteria filter node
How to configure an email event node
How to configure a delay (time period) node
Click and drag a delay (time period) node from the toolbar onto the canvas
Within the settings panel, select your desired time period of minutes, hours or days which the flow will delay for before proceeding to the next node
Click Save
How to configure a delay (exact day & time) node
Click and drag a delay (exact day & time) node from the toolbar onto the canvas
Within the settings panel, select the specific date and time the flow will delay until proceeding to the next node by clicking on the calendar icon
Select the timezone relevant to the date and time you have selected above in the Timezone field
Click Save
How to configure a criteria filter node
Click and drag a criteria filter node from the toolbar onto the canvas
Within the settings panel, define your success path criteria by adding rules and groups based upon fields on the related object of the flow. Records which meet this criteria will continue along the success path linking this node to subsequent nodes within the flow.
Select whether to refetch data at the time of querying the criteria above (this is on by default)
Click Save
The criteria filter node allows you to define rules and groups just as you would have done on the flow setup screen, with the limitation that you can only select fields on the related object.
See Flow criteria more information on rules and groups.
Things to consider:
Linking only one node to a criteria filter node will default to a success path, in other words records which meet the rules set in the criteria filter node will continue along this path
Linking a second node to a criteria filter node will allow you to set a failure path, segmenting records which do not meet the rules set in the criteria filter node down this path instead
If no failure path is set, records which do not meet the rules set in the criteria filter node will complete the flow and will not progress any further
How to configure an email event node
Configure an outbound email node on the canvas
Click and drag an email event node from the toolbar onto the canvas
Click Save
Things to consider:
An email event node checks the opened status once only
Therefore, an email event node is best used in conjunction with a time delay node in order to check the open status after a given time period
An email event node can only be used once at least one outbound email node has been configured. It will check the delivery status of the most recent email sent within the flow
You can configure success and failed paths from an email event node. For example, if an email is opened, then the success path might send records a follow-up email or SMS