Occasionally you'll need to respond to a recipient manually or send out ah-hoc SMS to only one or a few specific records. You can do this using the console.
Pendula automatically informs you when have any invalid or unexpected responses using the inbox. See Managing exceptions with the inbox for more information.
If you are a Lumary user, please note you may have a new Lumary-specific version of the console installed which may look different to the functionality below. Please contact the Lumary Support team if you have any questions or issues.
Quick links:
Who can the console communicate with?
How to configure the console on a Contact or Lead
How to configure the console on a custom object
How to send messages using the console
What is the console?
The console resides within Salesforce on the page layout of an object such as a contact.
Along with providing a history of all outbound and inbound SMS sent between Pendula and a recipient record, the console provides you with a simple way to send ad-hoc or manual messages.
SMS sent via the console are sent from the same number as your automated SMS, allowing you to have a seamless conversation between your organisation and a recipient.
Who can the console communicate with?
The console can communicate with contacts, leads and user records within Salesforce. For each of these, Pendula references the standard MobilePhone field in order to send SMS.
These numbers must be in international format (+61) in order to be successfully matched to any relevant inbound SMS.
In order to use the console, you'll firstly need to add it to the page layout of the relevant object within Salesforce.
How to configure the console on a contact or lead
On the contact or lead record view within Salesforce, select the Setup icon and then select Edit Page. This will take you to the Lightning App Builder.
Select the area within the record page layout where you wish to view the console.
A popular option is as an additional tab on the right-hand side of the page layout, next to Details or Activity History
Click Add Tab, then scroll to the top and select Custom
Give the Custom tab the Label
Drag the newly created console tab under the Details tab
Select the console tab on the Lightning App Builder layout. Then, on the left-hand side of the Lightning App Builder, scroll down the Components list until you see the Visualforce icon.
Click and drag this icon under the console tab where it says add components
A full list of all Visualforce page names will appear on the right hand side. Scroll down the list and select ZiplineConsole
Change the Label to
Pendula Console
. -
Change the height to
750 pixels
Click the Activation button in the top right of the page.
Then assign this page layout to whichever App, Record Type and Profile you wish
How to configure the console on a custom object
Note: The custom object must have a lookup to either a contact, lead or user object.
Within the Salesforce app launcher, search for
Related Objects
Select New, and then select either Contact, Lead or User (depending on which recipient object your custom object has a lookup to)
Complete the following fields:
Related Object Name: provide a name for this related object within Salesforce
Related Object API: The Salesforce api name of the object the console will reside on
Nominated Recipient Ref: The api name of the lookup field on you related object, which the console will reference for the relevant MobilePhone field
How to send messages using the console
Enter your message contents into the Text Message box and click Send.
Your outbound SMS will appear within the console conversation history, along with any inbound SMS matched back to the same record which you sent the console SMS from.
You may need to refresh your page for any new inbound SMS to appear within the console